This kind of Press is almost as good as our Cold Press!
Did you see our article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper? We were really excited to have this opportunity to share!
Story behind the picture: Our dental team was working at a church in Port Au Prince. Brandy walked around the side of the building and noticed this little boy, Givens, playing by himself. She started playing ball with him and they ended up having a great time with lots of giggles. At one point Steve put little Givens on his shoulders. It was at that point, that Givens decided he needed to go potty...Steve got a little wet! This little boy left a footprint on our hearts. We will never forget him!
In the beginning God created coffee.
Radio Show — Hearing from God and Acting on it - Brandy & Steve Siewert
The story of the creation of Java Relief and how Brandy and Steve prayed and listened for God’s direction and followed through with His plan in thier lives.
HIM4Her Radio: Women's HOT Topics is a nationwide radio program hosted by Shug Bury that exists to free women in the struggle of today's tough topics. No conversation is off-limits! Shug and her guests get real and tell it like it is, while equipping women with truth to see their life through the lens of Christ.
Providing Hope
Forward Thinking
with Ryan Pertile - Ep. 006
This episode of Forward Thinking almost had me and my guest in tears. I’m almost certain you will become a little teary-eyed after listening to the incredible journey of one family of missioners looking to make a difference in one of the most impoverished and dangerous areas in the Western Hemisphere. Steve Siewert and his wife started Java Relief to give hope to young children at risk. Together, with your help, they want to provide hope to the children who live in extreme neglect and poverty. Listen to how this journey has been their calling. They are on a mission to provide food, education, medical care, shelter, freedom from sex trafficking, and care for these children.
This is like no podcast I have ever done before! Once you hear Steve speak about his experience and how dangerous this journey truly is it will make you hold your loved ones closer than ever before. Luckily, many of us will never experience the level of poverty they have seen. These children are faced with one of the highest disease and death rates in the world. Hear how Steve, Brandy, and their children created Java Relief with the sole purpose of making a difference in the lives of these children.
Fair warning, you may want to have a fresh Kleenex box nearby :)