Volcanos, Alpacas and Peruvians
Peru Journey
A beautiful country with beautiful people.
I was honored to join a friend of mine, Pastor Steve Harrison, on a scouting trip to various cities in Peru to minister, film, photograph and document initiatives that are happening in Peru. I felt lead to go on this trip, I just didn't know why. Going on these trips can be life-changing knowing that my heart will be broken by those who are suffering, but on the flip side, I'm always reminded and blessed seeing that there are good and caring people in this world that sacrifice so much to help others. It was an amazing trip!
As I learned about many great mission-focused initiatives, I realized that Java Relief could come alongside and help too! It was a nine-day trip with so many things to share, but I will narrow it down to some of the highlights.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read.
Steve Siewert
Co-founder, Java Relief
Lima, a city of 11 million.
I spent time at the children's hospital in Lima to learn what the Grace Church missions medical team was doing there. It was impressive. The surgeons who travel there are superstars in their profession. One doctor that joined the team was from John Hopkins on the east coast, the others were from the Twin Cities. I was given permission to be in the operating room which was truly amazing! The medical staff was so kind and gracious to me. The doctors were incredibly skilled and smart and were wonderful people full of humility and love.
This volunteer medical team of over 30 people had compassionate hearts for children in tough situations. They do reconstructive surgery on children born with “defects”. It could be arms, hands, ears, noses, mouths, anything that doesn't look or function as God intended them too. They gave children a new life and a future! I was in awe of how they take parts of the leg or a part of the skull and reconstruct features to make these kids look like normal kids. God bless them for their work!
A boys farm in a town called Cieneguilla
CIMA is a small working farm the provides assistance to boys that suffer, have lost hope and have been rejected by their own families. Many of them have been living on the streets, and have stolen to feed themselves. Many come from gangs.
We were able to have fun with them! They seemed really tough when we first got there, but as the day progressed we were able to get some great smiles out of them. They have a really great band and performed for us. We even got up and danced with them! The afternoon was spent on the soccer field and ended with a pizza party for the 60 boys and the staff. It was a good trip!
Blessed to visit Without Borders International
Pastor Steve and I met up with a missionary woman from Minnesota. Her name in Sue Wood with a ministry called Without Borders International. We traveled with her to a poor part of Lima, Peru, and toured a building that she is renovating into a place to bring disadvantaged people for faith, love, education and community. It is run by some amazing woman who have such compassion for people with disabilities.
We had such a precious time with these ladies. We sang with them, shared, encouraged and prayed with them. It was the highlight of my day!
Cusco takes your breath away at 12,000 ft.
We traveled further into the mountains of Peru to Cusco, a city of around 500,000. Our time in the sacred valley was full of non-stop experiences. My biggest blessing was to spend time with Pastor Julio Hererra and his beautiful family. We stayed with them for three days. I fell in love with them. I filmed and edited a video for Julio as he is trying to raise funds to start a church in the valley. If you are interested in seeing the video, or want to help his family financially, let me know.
One fun surprise was to spend an afternoon with a really cute couple in the town of Cheros. The woman is from Italy and the man is native. They have an amazing property that is all hand built. They own a small store in the village called Eden that sells bakery items and homemade teas. They imprint the scripture, John 3:16, on every package. They invited us to their home, and shared some of their handmade chocolates, cookies and pastries. It was another great day!
Nestled beside a volcano called Misti
Our last stop was Arequipa, Peru, a city of 1.5 million people nestled beside an active Volcano called Misti.
We visited Carol Rose Dannenberg a humble missionary that spends her days helping others.
While we were there, she took us to see a family in a very poor part of the city that is in a tough situation. Victor, the husband and breadwinner, was in a horrible accident that left him in a wheelchair with a broken back, leg and foot. By the grace of God he is able to stand periodically and expected to be able to work again, but the road to recovery is expected to be up to two years.
The family of four have so little and are living in a one room concrete home. It was heartbreaking to witness their living situation. We spent time with them encouraging and praying with them. He broke down and was weeping. His wife was also in tears. It's hard to encourage someone in such a tough situation, but Steve Harrison did an amazing job.
Pray for them and also their children who are in a tough spot. One of Java Relief's generous donors will be talking care of their medication bills and some of their finances until Victor is back in the work force.