Wake Up Do Good!
We Sell Amazing Fresh Roasted Coffee to Give Hope to Children At Risk
Java Relief is a special kind of coffee retailer. We sell high-quality, specialty-grade, organic coffee that's fresh roasted, on demand. What makes us unique is that we are a volunteer company and 100% of our profits go directly to children at risk.
fresh roasted
EverY Purchase Helps

Our focus iS Helping children at risk
You can help us feed, clothe and educate the children of Cité Soleil, Haiti. We also provide a safe location for the children to gather and be mentored.
You can help Venezuelan refugee children by providing a free and safe day-care shelter where they are given nutritious food and well-rounded educated, while their parents look for work.
Together, we can give hope to these children. These aren't just pictures. They are real children that we have met. Around the world, children are living in extreme neglect and poverty. Our main focus areas are in the slum of Cité Soleil, refugee children in Colombia, and sex trafficking victims here in the USA. They need food, education, medical care, shelter, and the knowledge that someone cares. Our hearts are broken over the needs of these children. We feel it’s our calling to help them.

Our top two Initiatives
The Slum of Cité SolEIl, Haiti
Cité Soleil is a slum considered by the United Nations as the most impoverished and dangerous areas in the Western Hemisphere. Sadly, these children have one of the highest disease and death rates in the world. They are beautiful people who need hope. Take a few minutes to watch this video from Haiti and you will see how Java Relief Coffee gives hope to these children at risk. Simply purchase coffee to help children in need around the world. Together, we can help these children!
refugee children IN Colombia
The Niños para Dios (Children for God) Foundation has impressed us with their love for the Venezuelan refugee children and their parents. It is their hearts to see these children thrive in Colombia. Java Relief has had the privilege of supporting Niños childcare center since its conception in 2021. Because of your generosity, we haven't missed a monthly donation!
We recently paid $2,000 for floor repairs on the upper level of their building so staff can live there and be available 24/7. We are grateful Java Relief can partner with them so thank you very much for your generosity! Because of Ninos, these young children don't have to join their moms working on the streets or be left alone in dangerous situations. Now they get to go to "school" and feel safe. The foundation provides breakfast/snack/lunch, math/reading/singing/basic healthcare classes, and they get to play!